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Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Why is the vegetable soft when cooked?

 Why is the vegetable soft when cooked?

Why is the vegetable soft when cooked?

 Vegetable- We the living creature or we called as ourself as the socialized creature of the planet earth. We live on the earth and mostly we are surviving by the terms of breathing which is the most valuable element for all the things found in nature.

 More often we humans are surviving due to the food we have. In early ages, people have food as the raw and without any quality checker process but now the ages turn to the modern world we called as the technology world.

 Now the foods are fully cooked with the full process so that it can be softened for those we are having it. Many people's mind often rises why the vegetables are soft when cooked, so here is the reason why the vegetables are soft-
The raw vegetables are strong. The cells in the vegetables are linked together by a carbohydrate called pectin. When boiling or baking the raw vegetables in water, they separate with the cell, which causes the vegetable to soften.

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